Welcome to the “The Android Buildup at Alpas Technology” page. If you are in search of a great crew for Android Application Development for your project, you have landed at the perfect site. With more than half a dozen years of perfect practices and working with a number of challenging and awesome projects, we have come up with a recognizing process of Android application development here at Alpas Technology.
Gardening the Development
Francesco GallarottiWe have cinched ourselves with sharpening the code quality, and focusing strongly on the best coding practices and trends. Besides different development patterns available, we follow MVP architectural design patterns as this lets us to decouple business logic (Model) from view logic (Activity/Fragment) by introducing an intermediator (Presenter).
The perfect documentation of methods and classes, separation of logic, omitting hard-coded strings, dimensions and colors, naming of variables, methods and classes always makes our code clean. To spice it up more, we create small classes and methods, optimize it, comment well, separate the logics and use small classes and methods.
Dependency Injection: Dragger 2
Networking: AsyncTask, Volley, Retrofit, Okhttp
Testing: Espresso, mockito or Junit
The Tech Stack
Johnson Wang
Language: Java or Dart
Framework: Xamarin, Flutter
Android Version: Latest stable updates. Currently, Version 3.6.1
Android SDK: Latest stable updates. Currently, Android 10 (API Level 29)
Development Tool: Android Studio
Database: Room Persistence, SQLite, Realm Db